We are international colleagues forging global partnerships. We have dedicated our lives to academically-grounded approaches & forging the needed partnerships to understand and impact global issues.

We are a team of leading practitioners, strategists, academics, government officials, thought-leaders, future-focused institutions, civically-engaged organizations, and justice advocates. Our collaborations and interventions are founded on reciprocity, mutual respect, & trust-building.



Global Forum’s collaborating partners support our work using a trust-based philanthropy philosophy. We seek to apply that philosophy in our relationships with every grantor and partner.

Our use of the trust-based philanthropy concept is simple: empower Global Forum to use its staff’s time as mission-driven, field-expert professionals on mission-focused work. Embedded in our change strategies is academically-grounded reporting that does due diligence and offers opportunities for reciprocity. We are fortunate to have individuals and organizations that provide support as we produce adaptive communication media and provide communities with the resources to respond to disinformation and propaganda’s persistent challenges.

For more information about our approach to building trust with funding partners, please go to www.trustbasedphilanthropy.org.