A History of Collaboration & Cooperation | 合作与合作的历史

The Third Biennial (2021) Conference on Communication, Media, and Governance in the Age of Globalization stands among a long line of events and programs meant to foster greater understanding between and collaboration among Chinese scholars of Communication and a wide range of international colleagues affiliated with the U.S.-based National Communication Association.


Our efforts began with the June 2015 Conference on Media, Communication, and Governance in the Age of Globalization, which was held on the beautiful campus of the Communication University of China (CUC). This pilot event went so well that we decided to institutionalize our efforts, and so The Biennial Conference on Media, Communication, and Governance in the Age of Globalization was co-hosted with CUC in June 2016; then The Second Biennial Conference on Media, Communication, and Governance in the Age of Globalization was co-hosted with CUC in June 2018. Then, in June 2019, we partnered with Shenzhen University to host The Shenzhen Forum and with the City University of Hong Kong to host the Hong Kong Communication Workshops.

Across these conferences, we have hosted colleagues from America, China, Russia, South Korea, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Belgium, France, Canada, Taiwan, New Zealand, Singapore, Nigeria, Turkey, the Netherlands, Brazil, Austria, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Malaysia.

As we built these partnerships, the NCA hosted a delegation from the International Department of the Communist Party of China in Washington, D.C., in January 2017, and then an NCA delegation visited our CPC colleagues in Beijing in June 2017.

Beginning with the NCA annual convention held in Philadelphia in 2016, and continuing through conventions in Dallas (2017), Salt Lake City (2018), and Baltimore (in 2019), the NCA has been proud to host a delegation of Chinese scholars, who have led workshops, hosted pre-conferences, presented their research on panels, and joined NCA leaders for celebratory banquets. These exchanges were postponed in 2020 because of COVID, but we will resume our collaborative efforts by welcoming a delegation of Chinese scholars to our annual NCA conventions, with upcoming meetings in November 2021 in Seattle and November 2022 in New Orleans.

All of these events have been based on the belief that building better international understanding requires our working together, eating together, laughing together, and sometimes arguing together, all while marshaling our communication expertise in the interests of peace and friendship. This emerging partnership was celebrated in 2017, when CUC’s Professor Zhi Li, the International College of Beijing’s Associate Professor CT Patrick Shaou-Whea Dodge, and the University of the Pacific’s Professor Qingwen Dong received the NCA’s Presidential Citations for Service, commemorating their leadership in fostering a new sense of collaboration between U.S. and Chinese communication scholars.

Looking ahead, we are pleased to announce that the Global Forum for Civic Affairs has come of age as a self-sustaining organization through the support of many partners that believe in our mission and vision. GFCA is partnering with the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) to host The Shanghai Dialogue: Conversations on Communication, Globalization, and Urbanization, on the lovely campus of SISU in June 2022. Please see the tab marked “Shanghai Dialogue 2022” for more information about how to apply for this conference.

第三届(2021年)全球化时代的传播,媒体与治理会议是一连串的活动和计划,旨在促进中国传播学学者与众多国际传播学同仁之间的理解与合作。美国国家通讯协会(National Communication Association)。







所有这些事件都是基于这样的信念,即要建立更好的国际理解,就需要我们共同努力,一起吃饭,一起笑,有时甚至一起争论,同时为了和平与友谊而编排我们的交流专业知识。这种新兴的伙伴关系在2017年得到了庆祝,当时CUC的教授Zhi Li教授,北京国际大学副教授CT Patrick Shaou-Whea Dodge和太平洋大学的Dong Qingwen教授获得了NCA的总统服务奖状,以表彰他们在促进发展方面的领导地位中美传播学者之间的新合作意识

展望未来,我们很高兴地宣布,在相信我们的使命和愿景的许多合作伙伴的支持下,全球公民事务论坛已成为一个自我维持的组织。 GFCA 与上海外国语大学 (SISU) 合作,于 2022 年 6 月在上海外国语大学美丽的校园举办上海对话:关于传播、全球化和城市化的对话。更多信息请参见标有“上海对话 2022”的标签关于如何申请本次会议